From Victoria Peterson
We are proud to announce the formation of a new Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) Interest Group, the Second Life Interest Group (SLIG).
SLIG was formed by unanimous vote at the November CAL Board meeting. The purpose of the group is to:
Explore new ways of doing digital outreach, networking and public relations in order to promote Colorado and its libraries (including but not limited to academic, public, special, and school) on the virtual world of Second Life
Build a Colorado Association of Libraries presence on Second Life through a new virtual library that will represent the combined efforts of the aforementioned Colorado libraries and their library staff.
This new library, "the Sustainable Living Library" on the sim Emerald City, will represent best practices for living an ecologically conscious life. Through virtual workshops, conferences, and links to "green websites", the community of Second Life as well as real life patrons will learn more about their environment and how to save it.
The "Sustainable Living Library" will make available to the community of Second Life the online public access catalogs of Colorado libraries associated with this new library and any programs or activities that promote Colorado, its libraries, or CAL.
The Mission Statement of the Sustainable Living Library:
The Sustainable Living Library of Second Life is committed to creating better and healthier lives for ourselves and our children through sustainable living practices. By developing workshops, exhibits and other resources, we strive to educate our visitors about green practices and other ways to sustain healthy lives and a healthy planet.
SLIG will be meeting soon in the virtual world of Second Life. Interest group members and all others are encouraged to attend this virtual meeting. In the meantime, if you'd like help opening a Second Life account and/or have any other related questions, please contact:
Victoria A. Petersen: petersen.victoria@gmail.comEileen Dumas:
Already In-World? Visit Emerald City and see its current development!
Further Reading:
Sustainable Living Library blog:
Recent Press:
"Libraries go green @ Emerald City", article in the national print and online magazine, RezLibris
"Mancos PL Builds Green", ALA Tech Source Blog Interview
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in-world, and to work together in the creation of CAL's Sustainable Living Library!
Plautia Corvale
Victoria A. PetersenTechnology ManagerMancos Public Library970.533.7569skype: plautia.corvalePO Box 158, Mancos, CO 81328
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
RezLibris Launches first SL Library magazine
DATE: November 7, 2008 EMAIL:
RezLibris launches first SL library Magazine
The staff of RezLibris Magazine is proud to announce the launch of the first publication
devoted to librarians and information professionals in Second Life.
Featuring articles and columns written by and about librarians and those in related fields, RezLibris aims to provide news, entertainment, and events coverage of the library community and Information Archipelago. Monthly issues will be available for viewing at and quarterly in-world print editions will be distributed commencing in March, 2008.
Starting with its November 2008 online issue, updated articles will be posted the first Sunday of each month. Many interactive features will be included in the website edition including machinima and slide shows.
Regular columns will consist of articles on the various types of libraries: public, academic, special, and world libraries; up-to-date news happenings for Info Island; coverage of library institutions and organizations such as ALA, SLA, and Alliance Library Systems; an Arts and Entertainment section with reviews of art exhibits, museums, film/theater, music, fashion, and books; an immersion section featuring role-playing sims and genre-specific libraries, i.e. Mystery Manor and Sci Fi Portal; real life stories and profiles; a teen section; and an Ask the Librarian column.
Submissions and suggestions are always welcome. RezLibris is currently supported solely by volunteer work and donations. For information on advertising in the online or print editions, contact Sifriya Devin, Ad Manager, by IM or at
RezLibris Magazine
Join our SL group: RezLibris Readers
Clark Abismo, Publisher
Dulcie Mills, Associate Publisher
DATE: November 7, 2008 EMAIL:
RezLibris launches first SL library Magazine
The staff of RezLibris Magazine is proud to announce the launch of the first publication
devoted to librarians and information professionals in Second Life.
Featuring articles and columns written by and about librarians and those in related fields, RezLibris aims to provide news, entertainment, and events coverage of the library community and Information Archipelago. Monthly issues will be available for viewing at and quarterly in-world print editions will be distributed commencing in March, 2008.
Starting with its November 2008 online issue, updated articles will be posted the first Sunday of each month. Many interactive features will be included in the website edition including machinima and slide shows.
Regular columns will consist of articles on the various types of libraries: public, academic, special, and world libraries; up-to-date news happenings for Info Island; coverage of library institutions and organizations such as ALA, SLA, and Alliance Library Systems; an Arts and Entertainment section with reviews of art exhibits, museums, film/theater, music, fashion, and books; an immersion section featuring role-playing sims and genre-specific libraries, i.e. Mystery Manor and Sci Fi Portal; real life stories and profiles; a teen section; and an Ask the Librarian column.
Submissions and suggestions are always welcome. RezLibris is currently supported solely by volunteer work and donations. For information on advertising in the online or print editions, contact Sifriya Devin, Ad Manager, by IM or at
RezLibris Magazine
Join our SL group: RezLibris Readers
Clark Abismo, Publisher
Dulcie Mills, Associate Publisher
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tech Static Launches
For immediate release: November 10, 2008Contact: Rachel Singer Gordon (
New technology-related collection development resource for librarians launches
Villa Park, IL — The Tech Static, a new collection development resource for technology titles, published its inaugural issue today.
The need for such a resource became apparent when October 15 marked the last installment of Library Journal’s “Computer Media” review column, which The Tech Static’s creator, Rachel Singer Gordon, had been writing since 2002. This left a large gap in the library literature: no other librarian-targeted publication currently reviews computer books on a regular basis. To fill that gap, Singer Gordon created The Tech Static, a new resource for librarians focusing on reviewing technology-related books.
The Tech Static assists librarians with technology-related collection development. To this end, it contains:
Reviews of current computer books
Reviews of technology-related titles targeted at librarians
Collection development articles (weeding, “must-haves,” balancing a computer book collection)
Prepublication alerts
Publisher press releases
DVD and ebook reviews
… and more!
“I’m pleased to continue providing — and expanding on! — coverage of technology titles,” said Singer Gordon. “Anyone involved with collection development in this area is invited to subscribe to this new free resource.” The Tech Static is available online at; readers can also subscribe via RSS or email.
The Tech Static is also currently seeking writers for technology-related collection development articles.
Contact Rachel Singer Gordon with any questions or comments at
New technology-related collection development resource for librarians launches
Villa Park, IL — The Tech Static, a new collection development resource for technology titles, published its inaugural issue today.
The need for such a resource became apparent when October 15 marked the last installment of Library Journal’s “Computer Media” review column, which The Tech Static’s creator, Rachel Singer Gordon, had been writing since 2002. This left a large gap in the library literature: no other librarian-targeted publication currently reviews computer books on a regular basis. To fill that gap, Singer Gordon created The Tech Static, a new resource for librarians focusing on reviewing technology-related books.
The Tech Static assists librarians with technology-related collection development. To this end, it contains:
Reviews of current computer books
Reviews of technology-related titles targeted at librarians
Collection development articles (weeding, “must-haves,” balancing a computer book collection)
Prepublication alerts
Publisher press releases
DVD and ebook reviews
… and more!
“I’m pleased to continue providing — and expanding on! — coverage of technology titles,” said Singer Gordon. “Anyone involved with collection development in this area is invited to subscribe to this new free resource.” The Tech Static is available online at; readers can also subscribe via RSS or email.
The Tech Static is also currently seeking writers for technology-related collection development articles.
Contact Rachel Singer Gordon with any questions or comments at
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Book Discussion On Only Yesterday
The book discussion series on Only Yesterday turns to Zora NealeHurston's classic novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God" on Tuesdayevening, November 11, at 6:00 p.m. SLT. The story, set in the Americandeep South in the 1930s, tells the story of a young African Americanwoman in search of love and her place in life. Librarian TAMU Ohleads the discussion in the Reading Room (second floor of the island'sbookstore), on the plaza at Only Yesterday. As always, please come andparticipate, even if you have not yet had a chance to read the novel..... and bring a friend!
West of Ireland Library
Please join us in the West of Ireland Library for these great events!
Sunday 9 November @ 11am - Stories saluting veterans with Aoife Lorefield.
Monday 10 November @ 7pm - Peter Pan with Caledonia Skytower.
Tuesday 11 November @ 7pm - The Maidens of the Grael with Derry McMahon.
Wednesday 12 November @ 7pm - Poems of Seamus Heaney with Aoife Lorefield.
Thursday 13 November @ 6.30 - The Secret of Roan Inish with Shandon Loring.
Friday 14 November @ 5pm - A salute to veterans (and please stay for the USO show!)
Saturday 15 November @ 1pm - Washington Irving stories with Elder Priestman & Derry McMahon.
Sunday 16 November @ Noon - Myths and Legends with the WOI Storytellers.
Monday 17 November @ 7pm - Peter Pan with Caledonia Skytower.
Please IM Derry McMahon for more info or with any questions!
Investing InfoIsland
Next Wed. Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. SLT we will begin a series of brief introductions to the seven stations of investing information contained on Investing InfoIsland. Next Wed. we'll begin with Station 1 (duh), which provides information on planning to invest.
Here's the entire schedule for the series. Hypatia Dejavu or Maxito Ricardo will facilitate each session, which will be brief (approx. 30 mins., with plenty of time for Q&A and discussion. Always on Wednesdays, always at 7 pm SLT, always on Investing InfoIsland.
Station 1: Planning to Invest: Nov. 12
Station 2: Selecting Investments: Nov. 19
Station 3: Social Security: Dec. 3
Station 4: Investment Strategy: Dec. 10
Station 5: Frauds and Scams:
Dec. 17
Station 6: Farther Down the Road (Insurance and Wills): Jan. 7
Station 7: Final Preparations (Estates, Trusts, Funerals, Probate): Jan. 14
Next Thurs. Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. SLT at the central lodge on Investing InfoIsland there will be an informal book discussion of the fascinating book, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you haven't read the book! No pop quiz. For more information, contact Maxito Ricardo.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Portal on Info Island
Portal monthly meetings - November 12th, Wednesday--1 pm and 6:30 pm. We won't be using the fourth week of either November or December because of various national and religious holidays which occur during those weeks. For more information on Portal activities, please contact Franja Russell.
Alexandrian Free Library: Caledon, Winterfell, Steelhead, New Babbage & New Toulouse Library events Nov 11-18
Steelhead Public Library Announces a New Series!Readings by ShalmendoThursday afternoons at 4-5pm sltSteelhead Hotel Ballroom -
The Steelhead Public Library is pleased to sponsor Mr. ShalmendoGlineux as he brings Alice In Wonderland to the Steelhead Grand Hotelin a series of readings on Thursday afternoons at 4 o'clock pm SLtime. Starting on November 6, and lasting approximately one hour eachweek, Mr. Glineux will take us down the rabbit hole and help us solvethe mystery of who actually stole the tarts. AND, you don't even haveto be at the hotel or logged into SL! You can listen to Shalmendo onthe Gargoyle Wireless station!
Weekly radio play broadcast from Radio RielThursday Nov 13 7 – 8pmRadio Riel HQ, Caledon Penzance Or tune in at http://music.radioriel.orgJoin Caledon Library Collaborator Radio Riel for another thrilling hour of....SPACE 1889 - THE STEPPES OF THOTHIn Syrtis Major's corridors of power, a threat to the British Empire'sdominion over Mars is close to discovery, and Governor-General Sir HenryRoutledge faces ruin if it ever comes to light.
In the wilderness of the Thoth Steppes, enemy powers, savage tribesmen andeven nature herself bar the way to the wreckage of a lost Ether Flyer, andthe secrets it hides.For Captain Roger St. John Ffolkes, it is a mission he cannot refuse; forthe adventuress Georgina Golightly, a journey that will risk all - and forMars, it is the chance to save a world...or ignite a war.
New Babbage Aether Salon and the New Babbage Library present:Weapons! , A lecture by Miss Ordinal MalapropSunday, November 16, 2-3 pm SLTNew Babbage Aether Salon
Given the minimum of destruction wreaked by the first event, we are pleased to announce the second Aether Salon.All are welcome to join us at the Aether Salon in Babbage Palisade (located across the street from Her Dark Materials, & conveniently near the train station) for tea and a spirited discussion of weapons with a dangerous, perilous, stunning craft to follow.We are thrilled to announce that our guest speaker will be Miss Ordinal Malaprop.Known for her fine production methods, exceptional scripts, attention to detail, and ability to keep danger at bay with a variety of weapons and tools, Miss Malaprop will be well armed to address the current state of weaponry in our times. We've seen her armory and plan to be most attentive and polite.Please bring your manners, keep your wits about you, and check your own fine examples of might and mayhem at the door.
Common Ground, Story Session at the Falling Anvil Public HouseMonday, November 17th, 5-8 p.m. SLTThe Falling Anvil, Caledon Tamrannoch
"Now be thankful for good things...."As fall gives way to winter, and the wild winds tear the leaves from the trees, our thoughts turn to gathering at warm firesides, renewing our ties to friends, family, clan, & tribe. This month's theme is Common Ground: in the spirit of thanksgiving, we welcome your tales of connection & reconciliation, or different people finding what they share, plus tales of changes, rites of passage, & all the ordinary and extraordinary transitions that make up our lives. Those without a tale to tell are always welcome to come share in the good cheer!Sponsored by the Caledon Library & the Clan of Seafarers and Storytellers, and hosted by master storyteller Aldo Stern
The book discussion series on Only Yesterday turns to Zora NealeHurston's classic novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God" on Tuesdayevening, November 11, at 6:00 p.m. SLT. The story, set in the Americandeep South in the 1930s, tells the story of a young African Americanwoman in search of love and her place in life. Librarian TAMU Ohleads the discussion in the Reading Room (second floor of the island'sbookstore), on the plaza at Only Yesterday. As always, please come andparticipate, even if you have not yet had a chance to read the novel..... and bring a friend!
West of Ireland Library
Please join us in the West of Ireland Library for these great events!
Sunday 9 November @ 11am - Stories saluting veterans with Aoife Lorefield.
Monday 10 November @ 7pm - Peter Pan with Caledonia Skytower.
Tuesday 11 November @ 7pm - The Maidens of the Grael with Derry McMahon.
Wednesday 12 November @ 7pm - Poems of Seamus Heaney with Aoife Lorefield.
Thursday 13 November @ 6.30 - The Secret of Roan Inish with Shandon Loring.
Friday 14 November @ 5pm - A salute to veterans (and please stay for the USO show!)
Saturday 15 November @ 1pm - Washington Irving stories with Elder Priestman & Derry McMahon.
Sunday 16 November @ Noon - Myths and Legends with the WOI Storytellers.
Monday 17 November @ 7pm - Peter Pan with Caledonia Skytower.
Please IM Derry McMahon for more info or with any questions!
Investing InfoIsland
Next Wed. Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. SLT we will begin a series of brief introductions to the seven stations of investing information contained on Investing InfoIsland. Next Wed. we'll begin with Station 1 (duh), which provides information on planning to invest.
Here's the entire schedule for the series. Hypatia Dejavu or Maxito Ricardo will facilitate each session, which will be brief (approx. 30 mins., with plenty of time for Q&A and discussion. Always on Wednesdays, always at 7 pm SLT, always on Investing InfoIsland.
Station 1: Planning to Invest: Nov. 12
Station 2: Selecting Investments: Nov. 19
Station 3: Social Security: Dec. 3
Station 4: Investment Strategy: Dec. 10
Station 5: Frauds and Scams:
Dec. 17
Station 6: Farther Down the Road (Insurance and Wills): Jan. 7
Station 7: Final Preparations (Estates, Trusts, Funerals, Probate): Jan. 14
Next Thurs. Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. SLT at the central lodge on Investing InfoIsland there will be an informal book discussion of the fascinating book, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you haven't read the book! No pop quiz. For more information, contact Maxito Ricardo.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Portal on Info Island
Portal monthly meetings - November 12th, Wednesday--1 pm and 6:30 pm. We won't be using the fourth week of either November or December because of various national and religious holidays which occur during those weeks. For more information on Portal activities, please contact Franja Russell.
Alexandrian Free Library: Caledon, Winterfell, Steelhead, New Babbage & New Toulouse Library events Nov 11-18
Steelhead Public Library Announces a New Series!Readings by ShalmendoThursday afternoons at 4-5pm sltSteelhead Hotel Ballroom -
The Steelhead Public Library is pleased to sponsor Mr. ShalmendoGlineux as he brings Alice In Wonderland to the Steelhead Grand Hotelin a series of readings on Thursday afternoons at 4 o'clock pm SLtime. Starting on November 6, and lasting approximately one hour eachweek, Mr. Glineux will take us down the rabbit hole and help us solvethe mystery of who actually stole the tarts. AND, you don't even haveto be at the hotel or logged into SL! You can listen to Shalmendo onthe Gargoyle Wireless station!
Weekly radio play broadcast from Radio RielThursday Nov 13 7 – 8pmRadio Riel HQ, Caledon Penzance Or tune in at http://music.radioriel.orgJoin Caledon Library Collaborator Radio Riel for another thrilling hour of....SPACE 1889 - THE STEPPES OF THOTHIn Syrtis Major's corridors of power, a threat to the British Empire'sdominion over Mars is close to discovery, and Governor-General Sir HenryRoutledge faces ruin if it ever comes to light.
In the wilderness of the Thoth Steppes, enemy powers, savage tribesmen andeven nature herself bar the way to the wreckage of a lost Ether Flyer, andthe secrets it hides.For Captain Roger St. John Ffolkes, it is a mission he cannot refuse; forthe adventuress Georgina Golightly, a journey that will risk all - and forMars, it is the chance to save a world...or ignite a war.
New Babbage Aether Salon and the New Babbage Library present:Weapons! , A lecture by Miss Ordinal MalapropSunday, November 16, 2-3 pm SLTNew Babbage Aether Salon
Given the minimum of destruction wreaked by the first event, we are pleased to announce the second Aether Salon.All are welcome to join us at the Aether Salon in Babbage Palisade (located across the street from Her Dark Materials, & conveniently near the train station) for tea and a spirited discussion of weapons with a dangerous, perilous, stunning craft to follow.We are thrilled to announce that our guest speaker will be Miss Ordinal Malaprop.Known for her fine production methods, exceptional scripts, attention to detail, and ability to keep danger at bay with a variety of weapons and tools, Miss Malaprop will be well armed to address the current state of weaponry in our times. We've seen her armory and plan to be most attentive and polite.Please bring your manners, keep your wits about you, and check your own fine examples of might and mayhem at the door.
Common Ground, Story Session at the Falling Anvil Public HouseMonday, November 17th, 5-8 p.m. SLTThe Falling Anvil, Caledon Tamrannoch
"Now be thankful for good things...."As fall gives way to winter, and the wild winds tear the leaves from the trees, our thoughts turn to gathering at warm firesides, renewing our ties to friends, family, clan, & tribe. This month's theme is Common Ground: in the spirit of thanksgiving, we welcome your tales of connection & reconciliation, or different people finding what they share, plus tales of changes, rites of passage, & all the ordinary and extraordinary transitions that make up our lives. Those without a tale to tell are always welcome to come share in the good cheer!Sponsored by the Caledon Library & the Clan of Seafarers and Storytellers, and hosted by master storyteller Aldo Stern
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
This week's ALA Salon Huron event in Second Life
This week’s open discussion at Salon Huron on Thursday, 11/6 at 3:30 pm PST/SLT: The Librarian as Second Life Campus Leader
This week’s Salon Huron table talk discussion on ALA Island ( 196, 206, 29) on Thursday, November 6, 2008, at 3:30 pm Pacific Standard Time/Second Life Time will be led by the newly crowned Alliance Library System (IL) Librarian of the Year, Barbara Galik, known in Second Life as Puglet Dancer. She will speak about The Librarian as Campus Leader in setting up a virtual presence in Second Life. These discussion sessions are informal and free. Join us!
If you have other ideas/topics for discussion, please send an IM to Lorelei Junot. These will take place each Thursday as part of the ALA Virtual Communities and Libraries Member Initiative Group (ALA VCL MIG).
If you’d like, RSVP at the Facebook Event Page, at:
This week’s Salon Huron table talk discussion on ALA Island ( 196, 206, 29) on Thursday, November 6, 2008, at 3:30 pm Pacific Standard Time/Second Life Time will be led by the newly crowned Alliance Library System (IL) Librarian of the Year, Barbara Galik, known in Second Life as Puglet Dancer. She will speak about The Librarian as Campus Leader in setting up a virtual presence in Second Life. These discussion sessions are informal and free. Join us!
If you have other ideas/topics for discussion, please send an IM to Lorelei Junot. These will take place each Thursday as part of the ALA Virtual Communities and Libraries Member Initiative Group (ALA VCL MIG).
If you’d like, RSVP at the Facebook Event Page, at:
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