Monday, April 20, 2009

Alexandrian Free Library Events, April 21-28, 2009

Alexandrian Free Library: Caledon, Winterfell, Steelhead, New Toulouse, New Babbage, Amatsu Shima, West of Ireland, Steeltopia, Deadwood, Al Andalus & Constantinople Library Events for April 20-28 2009

New Series at the Caledon Library!
Folklore of the British Isles with Afsaneh Metaluna
3rd Mondays, 4pm

Inaugural lecture, Mon, April 20, 4pm – 5pm
Tinyville Library, Tinyville, Caledon Tanglewood

Folklorist Afsenah Metaluna will guide us in a new exploration each month; with illustrative stories and her own commentary she'll expose to our understanding some facet of the rich and varied folklore of the British Isles. In the Storyteller's Own Words…
"Rather than a repository of Märchen (wonder tales more or less of the "Grimm's" variety) much of the folklore of England is comprised of local legends that combine references to beliefs and customs and aspects of daily life, particularly rural life. This is contrasted with English ballads and broadsides, which have a strong tradition of their own, as well as the folklore around customs, dance and belief. The wonder tales exist too, though more in the Celtic regions."

This month, to get us started, she will tell and comment on short tales from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, plus "The Apple Tree Man" a legend that, she says "deals with customs as well as systems of land tenure and inheritance, making it a kind of microcosm of the strength of English narrative lore."

WOI – Charlotte’s Web with Caledonia Skytower
Monday – April 20 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Part One: One of the most beloved works by a prodigious and beloved author. Fern becomes the passionate advocate for the “runt of the litter” pig she names “Wilbur”, and thus begins a miraculous friendship that transforms them both. All stories are presented in Voice

WOI - Dandelion Wine with Gyro Muggins
Tuesday – April 21 @ 5.30pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Join us as Gyro reads "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury
Green Town, Illinois
"There was a junkman who saved lives.
"There was a pair of sneakers that could make you run faster than a deer.
"There was a human time machine.
"There was a wax witch that could tell real fortunes.
"There was a man who almost wrecked happiness by building a happiness machine.
"AND there was a twelve-year old boy, named Douglas Spalding, who found himself very much at home in this extraordinary world."

All stories are presented in Voice.

WOI – The Bat Poet by Randall Jarrell with Aoife Lorefield
Tuesday – April 21 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

This lovely tale introduces––yes!––a bat who writes poetry. Discover this story as Aoife reads the poems, and some of the prose, of this small, brown, furry, thoughtful bat.

All stories are presented in Voice.

Winterfell Library - Aianna's Fireside Tales
Wed, April 22, 6pm – 7pm
Bard's Bonfire, Winterfell Taure En Lor

"Here is where the dragon roams,
The faerie plays, the gnome hides.
Across the centuries, from far to home,
Here is where the magic abides!"

Join us every other Wednesday at 6 PM SLT on Bard's Island in Winterfell as Aianna reads to us magical tales. This week she reads "Romano Drom" by Charles de Lint. All stories are presented in Voice

WOI – The Song of the Pearl with Lilia Quinnell
Wednesday – April 22 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Join us for part 2 of this book, the story of Margaret Redmond, who dies at seventeen, and finds that to gain understanding of self and to overcome a deep hatred that has marred her last years she must relive parts of her earlier lives on earth. All stories are presented in Voice.

WOI – Ghosts and Haunts with Shandon Loring
Thursday – April 23 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Tonight: The Four-Fifteen Express by Amelia B. Edwards. What is a ghost? A disembodied spirit? A personality 'residue'? A time image? A time image - hmmmmm..... Thought waves which have become impregnated in the woodwork, the very atmosphere, and can be transformed into the likeness of their dead creator.

All stories are presented in Voice.

WOI – Sunday Stories with Gyro Muggins
Sunday – April 26 @ 2pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

The Piper and the Puca by Douglas Hyde
A half fool of a man who loved music but could never master more than one tune has an encounter with a Puca who takes him one night to a Banshee's feast. There the Puca introduces the man as "the best piper in Ireland"...

The Pudding Bewitched by William Carleton
A good, or possibly not so good, Catholic woman marries a "Prosbytarian," thereby rousing the ire of one of her uncles, a fairy-bewitched tinker. He puts a curse on them which manifests itself in the form of a "bewitched pudding" which leads most of the town thru a merry chase across the countryside.


WOI – Charlotte’s Web (pt 2) with Caledonia Skytower
Monday – April 27 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Part Two: As Wilbur gets settled down at Zuckerman’s farm, his ultimate fate as a pig becomes an issue, and he meets a new and amazing friend who brings him insight and wisdom, as their two lives become wrapped together. Come and discover the many mysteries in Charlotte’s web!


Whitman Weekly
A Discussion led by Dame Kghia Gheardi of the works of Walt Whitman
Tuesday, April 28 at 4pm SLT
Caledon Library, on the Hub in Victoria City

Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass is one of the works at the foundations of American poetry. Its expansive attempt to capture the spirit and landscape of the 19th century United States has influenced a culture, and its rich language continues to inspire readers today as it has for the century and a half of its existence.

Whitman Weekly will provide an opportunity to look closely at this beloved work. Each week we'll spend an hour discussing its context and examining the poetry of the the 1855 first edition.

The series will also give those who love Leaves of Grass, and those who would like to learn more, an opportunity to explore Whitman's vigorous and heartfelt poetry together.

April 28 - Preface ( including Whitman's charge to American poets

" The American poets are to enclose old and new for America is the race of races. Of them a bard is to be commensurate with a people. To him the other continents arrive as contributions . . . he gives them reception for their sake and his own sake. His spirit responds to his country's spirit . . . . he incarnates its geography and natural life and rivers and lakes."

WOI – And He Built a Crooked House with Gyro Muggins
Tuesday – April 28 @ 5:30pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

This story by Robert Heinlein is a tongue-in-cheek look at architecture and mathematics gone wrong. In the 1940's architect builds a house based on a 3 Dimensional representation of a 4th Dimensional cube. It seems fine until a slight tremor collapses the house into the more stable state of a real 4th Dimensional cube, with the occupants still in it.
All stories are presented in Voice.


WOI – The Sonnets of Shakespeare with Aoife Lorefield
Tuesday – April 28 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

As we approach the explosion of Spring and festival of love that is May Day, who better to read than Shakespeare? Tonight Aoife will read some of the sonnets we all love, and perhaps a few you may not have heard in a while.

Presented in Voice.

WOI – The Awful Truth Behind Mother Goose with Gracee Andel
Wednesday – April 29 @ 7pm
West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Learn what was behind those 'silly childhood rhymes' that were actually full of people, politics and intrigue. (By popular demand, a repeat of an earlier performance.)
All stories are presented in Voice.

gentlebeings, your servant

JJ Drinkwater

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