Monday, June 15, 2009

Sci-fi & Fantasy Portal Book of the Month discussions
Tue. June 16th at 6:30 pm and Sat. June 20th at 1 pm (SL times)
SNOW CRASH by Neal Stephenson

SNOW CRASH weaves virtual reality, Sumerian myth, and more into a story of what has become the "Information Age.” Hiro is a pizza delivery boy in his real life, but in the Metaverse he's a warrior prince. He races on a search-and-destroy mission to find the shadowy virtual villain threatening to bring about "infocalypse".

Whether you've read the book recently, in the past, or not at all but are curious about it or the author, you're welcome to come to the Portal for the discussion--which will be in Chat.

Host: Adrienne Tigerpaw

June 17 @ 5 PM SLT
Info Island - Auditorium
Library Buzz - ALA Pre-Conference Buzz

Donovan Vicha/Oberon Octagon and Tina Coleman/Kay Tairov will lead a library buzz on Info Island about ALA in Second Life and the upcoming ALA Chicago Conference.

Alexandrian Free Library: (Caledon, Winterfell, Steelhead, New Toulouse, New Babbage, Amatsu Shima, West of Ireland, Steeltopia, Deadwood, Al Andalus & Constantinople) Library Events for June 17 - 23, 2009
Continuing Exhibits:
Caledon Library 19th Century Spiritualism Exhibit, curated by Mica BraunMay 1st to July 17th, 2009Where: The Jack and Elaine Whitehorn Memorial Library, Caledon Victoria City

West of Ireland Library: Leprechauns!, curated by Derry McMahonJune 10 ----West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland

Caledon Library: From Oxcarts to Gondolas: the travel albums of Isabella Stewart GardnerJune 14 – January 3, 2010HG Wells Memorial Library, Caledon Wellsian,

Events of the Week:
Winterfell Library - Aianna's Fireside TalesWednesday, 17 June, 20096:00pm - 7:00pm SLT Bard's Bonfire, Winterfell Taure En Lor

Winterfell Library - Aianna's Fireside Tales Every other Wed evening at 6pm – 7pm Bard's Bonfire, Winterfell Taure En Lor
"Here is where the dragon roams, The faerie plays, the gnome hides. Across the centuries, from far to home, Here is where the magic abides!" Join us every other Wednesday at 6 PM SLT on Bard's Island in Winterfell as Aianna reads to us magical tales.

June 17th -The Sacred Fire - Charles de Lint July 1st - Winter Was Hard - Charles de Lint
-----------------------------------------WOI – Fairies, and Leprechauns, and Sprites, O My! Wednesday, 17 June, 20097:00pm - 8:00pm SLT West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland Join Derry McMahon and the WOI Storytellers for charming, funny, puzzling, and even dark tales of the ‘wee folk’.

-----------------------------------------WOI – Haunts & Mysteries True Irish Ghost Stories with Shandon LoringThursday, 18 June, 20097:00pm - 8:00pm SLT West of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland Haunts in Dublin:Poltergeists and banshees, spirit-filled houses, and deathbed scenes pervaded by specters. 'True Irish Ghost Stories' is a collection of tales that resulted from a newspaper article asking contributors to send in their favorite true and personal accounts of ghostly happenings. This collection is classified by geographical area, with each tale offering a simple yet compelling narrative and providing an authentic glimpse into late 19th and early 20th century Ireland. Tonight we will visit Dublin and its immediate surroundings.

-----------------------------------------Fae! Aether SalonSunday, 21 June, 20092:00pm - 3:00pm SLTBabbage Palisade
Fairy dust, fairy rings, fey looks, changelings, fairy cake - what do you believe? what is merely myth-twined-mist?
Join those who know that the Fae are not mere creatures from children's books. They take many forms. They are dark, dangerous, beautiful, and innocent - often all at the same time.
Salon will explore the world of the Fey with CorpseLight DeSantis and TotalLunar Eclipse (and it would have been three if Tenk hadn't gotten shanghaied) on June 21 at 2pm slt at Aether Salon.
The Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach is proud to sponsor this seating of the Aether Salon. We support this energetic exchange of knowledge among the people of the steamlands for the betterment of us all.See you there!

-----------------------------------------WOI - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with Lilia Quinnell (part 2)Monday, 22 June, 20097:00pm - 8:00pm SLTWest of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland
The L. Frank Baum story which chronicles the adventures of a girl named Dorothy in the Land of Oz. Meet the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion, as they face witches and flying monkeys and all sorts of adventures.
-----------------------------------------WOI – Gyro Muggins with Great Surreal StoriesTuesday, 23 June, 20097:00pm - 8:00pm SLTWest of Ireland Library & Cultural Center, West of Ireland “The Flying Machine” by Ray Bradbury (found in S Is for Space) In ancient China an inventor presents the gift of flight to the Emperor. This story could explain why aircraft were never seen in historical China.
“Walking Aunt Daid” by Zenna Henderson Aunt “Daid” is a member of the family, but for so long no one remembers exactly which side of the family she’s been on. “She shoulda been daid a long time ago.” Mostly Aunt Daid is docile, but once in each generation she insists on taking a walk.

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